「喜悅」─ 豐富生命力的源頭!
“Merry” – The source of a rich life!
“Merry Spa” established in 1981, is an exciting page in the history of Merry Group brand creation. Two hundred brides come in to Merry for styling each day, and among the 3 Golden Horse leading actress nominees, 2 chose Merry for their needs. Thus, firmly establishing Merry Group’s continuous influence on the aesthetic and creative market!
The founder, Huang Ma Li’s innate sense of beauty has not only created a special niche for Merry, it has won her numerous reputations among which include: judge for the 1991 Miss Republic of China Beauty Contest, judge for the Miss World Model Competition, the 1999 ROC Entrepreneurship Model, the 2000 Female Entrepreneurship Model, and the ROC Outstanding Enterprise Manager Award. She has become a role model for both brand and female entrepreneurs!
而,2001年成立的『Merry SPA喜悅活髮美塑館』,代表著喜悅品牌多元化的開端及髮型館優質化的提升。全新概念的身心靈SPA服務、融合了最新的美妍科技,「不只讓人耳目一新,更是一種脫胎換骨的洗禮和享受」許多體驗過的會員,都備感呵護到無可挑剔的地步,在顧客離去Merry SPA的那一霎那,可以完全感受出那種不言可喻的「喜悅」,也因此擄獲了眾多台灣及海外頂級貴賓的心!
“Merry Spa,” established in 2001, represents the beginning of diversity for the Merry brand and the advance of hair styling quality. The body and mind SPA services follow an entirely new concept, integrating the newest beauty technology, and allowing people to have a totally new experience. All the members who have tried the services all feel they have been thoroughly pampered. The moment that customers leave Merry SPA, they feel an indescribably sense of “merriment,” so the Merry SPA has won the hearts of elite customers in Taiwan and overseas!
In 2003, Merry reached new heights in the field of “beauty and health.” “Siylva” enzyme products that were mainly promoted through television shopping networks, immediately became a love of office workers that suffered from coprostasis. “Siylva” has become a representational brand that is known to increase metabolism and decrease the burden of the intestines. The many years of praise it has gained in the market, is enough to prove that the “Siylva” has become the favorite of consumers.
喜悅集團各大閃亮品牌『喜悅髮型Spa館』 、 『Merry SPA喜悅活髮美塑館』、「Cherir雪瑞爾頭皮毛髮專業管理」,致力於提供消費者「A到A+」的優級利益,因此獲得社會大眾的高度肯定!
The various brands of Merry Group, the 『Merry Hair Spa』, 『Merry SPA Hair and Beauty』, 「MDH Hair and Scalp Specialist」, and 「MerryMart」 are devoted to providing consumers with the highest A to A+ benefits, and have gained the widespread recognition of society.
In the future, the Merry Group will continue to innovate and grow, and create joyous and moving lives for all our members.
MerrySPA首創國內第一家Man SPA
提供男士專屬的 Man SPA區,男士可以盡情自由放鬆穿梭其中,Merry SPA為現代忙碌的都會男性提供另一舒活壓力、恢復職場活力的頂級SPA。
Merry SPA獨家的Hair SPA課程是最受男性的歡迎,從頭皮、頭髮,到肩、頸、手足讓您一次達到全然放鬆。許多男性朋友都是進入 Merry SPA 後才開始認識SPA,其他的 Man SPA課程更幫助男性們維持身體肌肉線條、保持肌膚緊實有彈性,另外因壓力掉髮可獲得改善的頭皮理療課程,均讓現代都會男性更添魅力及丰采。
Hair SPA課程
90 min$3500 /105min $4300
創造傳奇極致/Hair SPA 的第一品牌----髮絲甦活 徹底減壓
Merry SPA的專業美療師以獨特的『指腹技法』按摩頭部,並利用精油及陽光來養石頭
《BALLA雜誌 推薦》